Turner Syndrome Society of the United States
Would you like to learn more about Turner Syndrome (TS) and the brain?
Dr. Dean Mooney will be conducting a 3 – Part online series with TSSUS over ZOOM starting on March 1, 2025. Dr. Mooney has been a regular presenter and has done hundreds of consultations at our Annual Conference for many years. Dr, Mooney can help you understand yourself (or your child) better, and he offers real world suggestions on how to overcome challenges you may be facing.
You need to register for each session separately. Session dates are March 1, 2025, April 6, 2025 and May 10, 2025.
Register under each event at: https://www.turnersyndrome.org/event-calendar

Dr. Dean Mooney, Ph.D., NCSP – Director & Bobbie Jo Lack, Office Manager accepting their Excellence in Worksite Wellness 2024 Gold Award